- 1. approach; reach
- ♦ 我们快~工地了。 We are almost on the worksite now.
- 2. add up; sum up
- ♦ 把账~一~ sum up the accounts
- 3. hold (or gather) together
- ♦ 把所有的书都~在一块。 Gather all the books together.
- ♦ 用绳子把柴火~住。 Tie the firewood in a bundle.
- ♦ 她把孩子~在怀里。 She held her child in her arms.
- 4. (used after verbs) bring together
- ♦ 他笑得嘴都合不~了。 He grinned from ear to ear.
- ♦ 他们谈不~。 They talk but never get close to each other.
- 5. comb (hair)
- ♦ 我来给你~一~头发。 Let me comb your hair.