

1. hang; put up
把地图~在墙上。 Put (or Hang) the map up on the wall.
天上~着一轮明月。 A bright moon hung in the sky.
把这件事先~一~再说。 Let's leave the matter aside for the moment.
2. hang up; ring off
我还没有来得及问他名字, 他就把电话~了。 He hung up (or rang off) before I could ask his name.
你先别~, 等我查一下。 Hold the line while I find out.
3. call (or phone, ring) up; put sb. through to
我呆会儿再给他~电话。 I'll ring him up again.
4. hitch; get caught
把拖车~上。 Hitch up the trailer.
她的衣服给钉子~住了。 Her dress got caught on a nail.
5. be concerned about
时刻把群众的利益~在心上 always have the welfare of the masses at heart
6. be covered with; be coated with
他脸上~了一层尘土。 His face was covered with dust.
瓦盆里面~一层釉子。 The earthen pot is glazed inside.
7. register (at a hospital, etc.)
我要~外科。 I want to register for surgery. or Surgery, please.
a set or string (of things)
一~大车 a horse and cart
十多~鞭炮 a dozen strings of firecrackers
一~珠子 a string of pearls




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