

词汇 now
1. 现在,目前
Where are you going now? 你现在去哪儿?
I can't tell you the answer right now. 我现在不能告诉你答案。
2. 此刻,马上
I must go now. 我得马上走。
The injured need blood transimission now. 伤者需要立刻输血。
3. 在当前的情况下;到现在
I cannot now agree. 目前我不能同意。
They've been married for 10 years now. 他们结婚至今有10年了。
It's now 6 years since we first met each other. 我们初次相遇到现在已经6年了。
4. (在叙述中)然后,下面
Caesar now marched south. 凯撒然后又向南挺进。
5. [表示命令、肯定、怀疑等]
Now what do you mean by that? 你这是什么意思?
Oh, come now! 嗨,快走吧!
词组just now
1. 刚才
I saw him just now. 我刚才看见他。
2. 此刻,眼下
I am busy just now. 我此刻正忙着。
now and then 有时,偶尔
He meets his old girfriend now and then. 他时不时与过去的女友见面。
now, now [用于安慰或警告] 好啦,好啦 now...now (或then) 时而…时而… now or never 机不可失,时不可待 there now 瞧,怎么样




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