

词汇 mood
1. C 心境;心情;情绪
He's in a good(bad) mood now. 他现在心情很好(不好)。
The rainy day put me in a bad mood. 下雨天使我情绪低落。
Her moods change very quickly. 她的情绪变化无常。
2. C 心情不好;情绪低落;生气
I don't know why she's been in a mood all day long. 我不知道为什么她一整天都心情不好。
3. 用作单 气氛
a mood of optimism 乐观的气氛
4. [~s] 喜怒无常;心情浮躁
a man of moods 喜怒无常的人
5. C 【语】 语气
the indicative (imperative, subjunctive) mood 陈述(祈使,虚拟)语气
词组be in the mood to do(或for doing) sth. 有做某事的心情(或兴致)
She wasn't in the mood to do knitting that day. 那天她没兴致织毛衣。
be in no mood to do(或for doing) sth. 没有做某事的心情(或兴致)
I'm in no mood for arguing with you now. 我现在没心情跟你理论。




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