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词汇 appear
appearap•pear /ə'pɪəʳ/
1. 似乎;看起来好像
He appears happy at the good news. 他听到好消息时显得很高兴。
It appears to be raining. 天空似乎是在下雨。
A rainbow appeared in the sky after the rain. 雨后天空出现一道彩虹。
2. 出现;显露
A car suddenly appeared out of the fog. 一辆汽车突然从雾中开来。
3. 公开演出
He will appear in Hamlet. 他将参加《哈姆雷特》的演出。
4. 出版;刊登
Her latest book will appear soon. 她的新书将在最近出版。
The ad will appear in tomorrow's paper. 那广告将会登在明天的报纸上。
5. 出庭;出庭辩护;出庭当律师
He has to appear in court on a charge of drunken driving. 他被控告醉酒驾驶而要出庭受审。
He will appear for you in court tomorrow. 他明天将为你出庭辩护。
6. 露面;来到
appear on TV 在电视上露面
We expected him at seven, but he didn't appear until nine. 我们想他7点会来,但他到9点才出现。




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