- 1. depend on
- ♦ 依靠
- 2. comply with; listen to; yield to
- ♦ 不能因为孩子小, 就什么都~着他。 You shouldn't comply with every wish of his just because he is a child.
- ♦ ~着你该怎么办?What do you suggest I should do?
- ♦ 我怎么劝, 他还是不~。 No matter what I said, he just wouldn't listen.
- ♦ ~我看 in my view; as I see it
- ♦ ~当时情况来说 in the light of the situation at the time; as matters then stood
- ♦ ~着我的性子, 非揍他一顿不行。 If I had had my way, I would have given him a sound beating.