

词汇 aside
asidea•side /ə'saɪd/
1. 在旁边;到一边
We stepped aside just in time, and the car whizzed past. 我们及时地向旁边迈了一步,躲过了呼啸而过的汽车。
She took me aside to tell me of her new discovery. 她把我拉到一边,告诉我她的新发现。
2. 留着
set aside some money for insurance 为上保险存一些钱
3. 离开
The car turned aside from the main road. 汽车转弯驶离了大路。
4. 撇开;除去
All kidding aside, we really must do something. 玩笑归玩笑,我们真得想点办法了。
aside from
1. 除…以外(尚有)
Aside from physical problems, those patients also show a lot of hostility. 除了身体上的疾病,那些病人还显示出很大的敌意。
2. 除了
Aside from that little problem, the day was perfect. 除了那小小的问题,这一整天都很顺心。
3. 离开
His remarks were always aside from the subject. 他的话总是离题。




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