

1. frame; rack; shelf; stand
房~ the frame of a house
工具~ tool rack
黄瓜~ cucumber trellis
钢~桥 steel-framed bridge
2. fight; quarrel
1. put up; erect
把梯子~在墙上。 Put up the ladder against the wall.
~起机枪 mount a machine gun
2. fend off; ward off; withstand
他一刀砍来, 我拿枪~住。 I fended off his sword thrust with my spear.
3. support; prop; help
他扭了脚脖子, 我们只得把他~回去。 He sprained his ankle and had to be helped home.
4. kidnap; take sb. away forcibly
强行~走 carry sb. away by force; kidnap
(for machines, airplanes, and instruments which rest on a tripod or stand)
一~收音机 a radio set
几百~飞机 several hundred planes
一~照像机 a camera
一~钢琴 a piano




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