- 1. lose
- ♦ ~而复得 lost and found again
- ♦ ~民心 lose the support of the people
- ♦ 得大于~。 Gains outweigh losses.
- ♦ 不要~了信心。 Don't lose confidence.
- 2. miss; let slip
- ♦ 良机莫~。 Don't let slip this good chance.
- 3. not act according to; neglect; violate
- ♦ 失信
- ♦ 失敬
- 4. lose control of
- ♦ 失手
- ♦ 失禁
- ♦ 失态
- 5. err; have a slip; be defective in
- ♦ ~之于烦琐 have the defect of being too detailed
- ♦ 惟恐有~ fear that there may be some mishap