- 1. heaven and earth in darkness
- ♦ 到了晚上, ~的, 就更不好走了。 Night fell and, as darkness closed in, the going became even harder.
- 2. be in a state of delirium; lose consciousness
- ♦ 当时我流血过多, 觉得~的。 I blacked out through loss of blood.
- 3. dissipated
- ♦ 过着荒淫无耻、~的生活 lead an immoral life, given to dissipation and sensuality
- 4. dark rule and social disorder
- ♦ 当时军阀混战, 盗贼横行, 真是~。 Ridden with warlordism and banditry, the country was then in a dark, troubled period of its history.