- 1. scrape; shave
- ♦ 把墙上的漆~下去 scrape the paint off the wall
- ♦ ~锅子 scrape a pot clean
- ♦ ~鱼鳞 scale a fish
- ♦ ~胡子 shave the beard
- ♦ 就~破一点皮。 It's only a scratch.
- 2. smear with (paste, etc.)
- ♦ ~糨子 stiffen (cloth) by spreading paste over it
- 3. plunder; fleece; extort
- ♦ 他当知县时~了不少的钱。 While holding office as county magistrate, he made a lot of money by extortion.
- 4. (of the wind) blow
- ♦ ~大风了。 It's blowing hard. or There's a gale blowing.
- ♦ 土~得满天飞。 Dust was blown into the air.