

词汇 mischief
mischiefmis•chief /'mɪstʃɪf/
1. U 淘气;恶作剧
All these boys are always up to mischief. 这些男孩子们总是在搞恶作剧。
get into mischief 调皮捣蛋,恶作剧
She let the children stay in the yard to keep them out of mischief. 她让孩子们呆在院子里免得他们捣乱。
2. U 淘气,顽皮
laughter full of mischief 淘气的笑声
3. C 调皮捣蛋的人(尤指孩子)
4. U 正式 (尤指人为的)损害,伤害
great mischief caused by miscalculation 计算错误造成的巨大损失
词组go to the mischief 堕落 like the mischief 极其厉害地
I had a headache like the mischief. 我头疼得厉害。
make mischief (between) (在两人之间)搬弄是非
He did not intend to make mischief between you. 他并不是有意在你们中间搬弄是非。
play the mischief with 损害(健康等);搞乱(东西等);扰乱(计划等)
The naughty boy has played the mischief with my things. 淘气的男孩把我的东西弄得乱七八糟。




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