

1. feel; stroke; touch
你~~刀口, 看看快不快。 Try to feel the edge of the knife and see whether it is sharp.
这衣料~着很软。 The material feels soft.
她轻轻地~了~孩子的头。 She gently stroked the child's head.
2. feel for; grope for; fumble
在黑暗中~着下楼 grope one's way down the stairs in the dark
他从床底下~出一双鞋来。 He fished out a pair of shoes from under the bed.
3. try to find out; feel out; sound out
你去~~他对这个问题的看法。 Go and sound him out on this matter.
~清敌情 find out about the enemy's situation
~出一套种植水稻的好经验 gain good experience in growing rice




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