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词汇 back
n C
1. 背;背部
the back of a chair(或knife,bow) 椅子(或刀,弓)背
Lie on your back and look at the stars. 躺着看星星吧。
2. 后面;后部
sit in the back of this car 坐在这辆车的后座上
an appendix at the back of the book 书末附录
the back of the theatre 剧院后排
3. 背面;反面
the back of the hand 手背
4. 脊骨;(船的)龙骨
He broke his back in an accident. 他在一次事故中摔断了脊椎骨。
The ship broke her back. 船的龙骨断了。
5. 【体】 后卫
6. 力气
put some back into one's work 使点劲儿干活
词组at one's back 支持某人
He has the head of the Department at his back. 他有部门负责人的支持。
behind sb.'s back 背着某人
Don't be the kind of person who speaks ill of others behind their backs. 不要做背后说人坏话的人。
be (flat) on one's back 卧病
He's been flat on his back with flu for three weeks. 他得了流感,已经卧病在床三个星期了。
be on sb.'s back 非正式 找某人的麻烦;缠磨某人
My son has been on my back for weeks to buy him a new bicycle. 几星期来,我儿子总缠着我给他买一辆新自行车。
put your back into it 非正式 竭尽全力于…
You can reach your goal if only you put your back into it. 只要你全力以赴,就能实现你的目标。
put(或get) sb.'s back up 非正式 使某人生气
You'll just put people's backs up if you're aggressive all the time. 如果你总这么好斗的话,就会惹得别人生气。
the back of beyond 非正式主英 穷乡僻壤
They live on a farm somewhere in the back of beyond. 他们住在一个偏僻的农场里。
turn one's back on 拒绝接受,否认
He has turned his back on our proposal. 他拒绝考虑我们的建议。




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