

词汇 scare
vt 吓,吓唬;使害怕,使恐惧
That noise scared me to death. 那个声音把我吓得半死。
scare sb. stiff 吓得某人呆若木鸡
They scared him into robbing banks. 他们威胁他去抢银行。
vi 受惊吓
The little girl scares easily. 这个小女孩儿很容易受惊吓。
词组scare away (或off) 把…吓跑;使不安
We fired to scare away the enemy. 我们鸣枪吓跑敌人。
scare birds away from the tree 把鸟从树上吓跑
The rising price was scaring off many buyers. 上涨的价格把许多顾客都吓跑了。
scare the hell (或life,shit)out of sb. 使吓得魂不附体
The awful sound scared the hell out of me. 那可怕的声音吓得我魂不附体。
scare up 非正式 凑合,张罗
Let me scare up something for you to eat. 让我给你弄点吃的。




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