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又作‘一阵子’ ) - 1. a burst; a fit; a peal
- ♦ ~掌声 a burst of applause
- ♦ ~咳嗽 a fit (or spasm) of coughing
- ♦ 一阵阵笑声 peals of laughter
- ♦ ~狂风 a violent gust of wind; a blast (of wind)
- ♦ ~枪声 a burst of gunfire
- ♦ 脸上红~, 白~ one's face turning now red, now pale
- 2. a period of time; a spell
- ♦ 这~尽下雨。 We've had a spell of rainy weather recently.
- ♦ 她病了好~了。 She has been ill for quite a long time.