

词汇 whip
whip(whipped, whipped; whipping)
1. 鞭打,(用鞭子)抽打
2. 猛地移动(或拔出、投掷、拿取、安放等)
The branches were being whipped in the storm. 猛烈的暴风雨使得枝条急速地摆来摆去。
3. 猛地挥动;猛地拔出
He whipped out a gun. 他猛地拔出一条枪。
4. 搅打(奶油等)成糊状
5. 驱使,迫使,促使
They were whipped up to support the candidate. 他们被敦促去支持那个候选人。
6. 严厉批评,痛斥
They were whipped by the boss. 他们受到老板的严厉训斥。
7. 击败,胜过
8. 非正式 偷走,骗取
Who whipped my umbrella? 谁偷走了我的伞?
9. (浪涛等)猛击,(风等)猛刮
Rain whipped our faces. 雨打在我们的脸上。
1. 鞭打,抽打,拍打
The rain whipped against the windows. 雨猛打在窗户上。
2. 猛地移动,急走,急冲
She whipped upstairs in a flash. 她一溜小跑上了楼。
He whipped around (或round) and saw a little boy. 他猛地转过身,看见了一个小男孩。
3. (奶油等)可搅打成糊状
词组whip through 主英非正式 很快地完成(工作)
I can whip through all the cleaning in about half an hour. 我能用半小时做完全部打扫工作。




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