

词汇 it
1. [指婴儿、动植物等或指前面已经提及的事物等] 它,这,那
A baby was in her arms and it was looking at me. 她怀里抱着的婴儿盯着我看。
The milk was so hot that the child could not drink it. 牛奶太烫,孩子喝不了。
2. [作为形式主语或宾语]
It's difficult to persuade him. 很难说服他。
She takes it for granted that he should humor her. 她认为他迁就自己是理所当然的。
3. [作无人称动词的主语,指天气、时间、距离等]
It's cloudy today. 今天阴天。
It's 4 p.m. 现在是下午4点。
It is 50 miles away from the town. 小镇在50英里外。
4. [构成强调句型]
It was my computer that went down. 是我的电脑坏了。
5. [用作seem, look, appear, happen, occur, follow等动词的主语,后接that或as if从句]
It seems that nobody is in the house. 好像房子里没有人。
It happened that I saw the accident for myself. 我碰巧亲眼目睹了那起事故。
6. [指某人处于某种情况中]
It's all the same to me. 对我来说都一样。
How is it going? 情况怎么样?
7. [用在某种动词后,作形式宾语,可构成习语]
Go it! 快干!
Damn it! 该死!(或糟了!)




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