- 1.
书 dwell - ♦ 穴居野处
- 2. get along (with sb.)
- ♦ 容易相~ easy to get along with
- ♦ 他们俩~得很好。 They get along quite well.
- ♦ 这个人不好~。 This fellow is hard to get along with.
- 3. be situated in; be in a certain condition
- ♦ 我们正~在一个伟大的历史时代。 We are living in a great historic era.
- 4. manage; handle; deal with
- ♦ 处事
- 5. punish; sentence
- ♦ ~以两年徒刑 sentence sb. to two years' imprisonment 另见 chù
- 1. place
- ♦ 别~ another place; elsewhere
- ♦ 停车~ parking place; car park
- 2. point; part
- ♦ 有相同之~ bear a resemblance; have something in common
- 3. department; office
- ♦ 总务~ general affairs department
- ♦ 几~人家 several homesteads
- ♦ 发现两~印刷错误 find two misprints 另见 chǔ