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词汇 sense
1. U,用作单 (对某种事物的)辨别力;见识
She's a person with no sense of direction. 她是个没有方向感的人。
He has no sense of beauty. 他毫无审美观。
2. C 感觉,感受
I have a sense of security in his arms. 在他怀里我有一种安全感。
She had the sense that she would lose her job. 她有一种会丢掉工作的感觉。
3. C (人和动物的)感觉官能
the five senses 五种官能
The dog has a keen sense of smell. 狗的嗅觉很灵敏。
4. C 意义;意思
You misunderstood the sense of his words. 你误会了他的话的意思。
a word with several senses 一个有几种意思的词
5. U 道理;目的
What's the sense of doing that? 要做那件事的目的何在呢?
6. [~s] 正常的思维能力;健全的心智
lose one's senses 失去理智
词组bring sb. to his senses
1. 使某人不再做傻事
I hope the failure will bring her to her senses. 我希望这次失败会使她明白过来。
2. 使某人苏醒过来
They threw cold water on his face to bring him to his senses. 他们在他脸上浇凉水使他醒过来。
come to one's senses
1. 恢复理性,醒悟过来
Finally he came to his senses and let the hostage go. 最后他恢复了理智,释放了人质。
One day you'll come to your senses and see what you've done is wrong. 有一天你会明白,你所做的一切都是错的。
2. 苏醒过来
After the rescue she came to her senses. 经过抢救她终于苏醒了。
in a (或one) sense 在某种意义上
He's right in a sense. 在某种意义上,他是对的。
in all senses 从任何意义上说 in every sense (of the word) 从任何意义上说
He's a gentleman in every sense of the word. 他确实是个绅士。
in no sense 决不
The boy is in no sense stupid. 这个男孩子一点都不傻。
make sense
1. 有意义,有道理,讲得通
This sentence doesn't make any sense. 这句话根本读不通。
2. 非正式 合理的,明智的
It makes sense to save time. 珍惜时间是明智的。
This proposal made sense. 这个建议很合理。
make sense of 弄懂,(理解)…的意义
Can you make sense of this word? 你理解这个词的意思吗?
stand to sense 合乎情理 talk sense 非正式 说话有理
Talk sense--what you're suggesting is impossible. 说话要有道理,你的建议不可行。




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