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词汇 fall
fall/fɔːl/ (fell, fallen)
1. 落下,降落
The rain was falling steadily. 雨不停地下着。
2. 跌倒
3. (水平、程度、质量等)下降,降低
Interest rates fell sharply. 利率下滑得很厉害。
4. 阵亡,被杀死
Six tigers fell to his rifle. 他用步枪射倒了六只老虎。
5. (地位,名望)下降;失势,垮台
The government fell after the revolution. 政府在那场革命之后垮台了。
6. 变成,成为
The classroom fell quiet. 教室安静下来。
7. 落到
The accent falls on the second syllable. 重音落在第一音节。
8. (脸色)不满,阴沉
9. 被说出,被透露
Not a word fell from his lips. 他一声也没吭。
10. (地面)倾斜,(潮汐)退落
词组fall about laughing 笑得无法自制
He's a born clown,just the single sight of him is enough to make you fall about laughing. 他是个天生的小丑,只要一看见他那副模样就足以令你笑破肚皮了。
fall apart 破裂,崩溃
Their marriage has fallen apart. 他们的婚姻已经破裂了。
fall back 后退,退却
The enemy fell back. 敌人退却了。
fall back on 借助于,依赖
take notes to fall back on 作笔记以供日后援引
fall down
1. 失败
2. 沿着(河流、港湾)而下
fall flat 见flat fall for
1. 受…的欺骗
Don't fall for his delicate flattery. 不要被他的花言巧语所欺骗。
2. 非正式 爱上,被…迷上
fall in 使列入队形,集合 fall into 开始
I fell into conversation with a visiting scholar. 我同一个访问学者谈了起来。
fall in with 赞同
I'm very happy to fall in with what you suggest. 我很高兴和你的见解相同。
fall off (质量、数量等)下降,减少
The demand for electric cable is falling off. 电缆的需求量在下降。
fall on(或upon)
1. 猛烈攻击,袭击
The guerrillas fell upon the enemies. 游击队员们向敌人发起猛烈的进攻。
The hungry refugees fell on the food. 饥饿的难民扑向食物。
2. 由…负担
The responsibility of rebuilding our homeland falls on us. 重建家园的重担落在我们的肩上。
fall out
1. 争吵
The two brothers fell out over the bequest. 两兄弟为争夺遗产发生了争吵。
2. (使)离开队列,解散
3. (头发、牙齿等)脱落
fall through 失败,成泡影
The plan of going abroad fell through in the end. 出国的计划终成泡影。
fall to
1. 开始
fall to working 开始工作
2. (责任等)落在…身上
It fell to me to accommodate the visitor. 接待来访者的责任落在我的身上。




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