

词汇 tick
1. (钟表等)滴嗒滴嗒响
listen to the clock ticking 听钟表滴嗒滴嗒地响
2. 非正式 活动;工作
1. 用滴嗒声报时
The watch ticked the minutes. 手表滴嗒滴嗒地报时。
2. 给…标上记号
I ticked the items that were not delivered one by one. 我把还未交付的货品逐项作了记号。
词组tick away (或by) (时间)滴嗒滴嗒地过去;(时间)流逝
While we were waiting for the green light, the taxi's meter kept ticking away. 我们等绿灯时,出租车的计价器滴嗒滴嗒地不停地响着。
The clock ticked away the minutes of waiting. 时钟滴嗒不止,在等候中几分钟过去了。
Minutes ticked away before he replied. 过了几分钟他才回答。
tick off
1. 给…标记
tick off an item on a list 在清单上的一项旁打钩
2. 用滴嗒声报知
The taximeter ticked off the fare. 出租车的计价器打出了车费。
3. 列举项目
He can tick off the names of all the books he has read. 他能一口气说出看过的所有的书名。
4. 非正式 责备;责骂
He was ticked off for being late again. 他因为迟到而受到斥责。
5. 非正式 使气恼
His rudeness really ticked us off. 他的无礼着实让我们恼火。
tick over
1. (发动机因齿轮松驰而)缓慢地空转
2. (工作等)松松垮垮地进行




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