

1. word; character
~形 the form of a written character
~义 meaning of a word
你这个~写得不对。 You wrote this character wrong.
2. pronunciation (of a word or character)
说话~~清楚 pronounce every word clearly; have clear articulation
3. form of a written or printed character; style of handwriting; printing type
篆~ seal character
黑体~ boldface type
4. scripts; writings
专藏~, 不藏画 only collect scripts (or writings), not paintings
5. receipt; written pledge
收到款子, 写个~儿给他。 Write him a receipt when you get the money from him.
6. a style (or name) taken at the age of twenty, by which a man is sometimes called
诸葛亮~孔明。 Zhuge Liang styled himself Kongming.




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