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1. have; possess
她~热情, ~朝气。 She is full of vigour and enthusiasm.
~百利而无一弊 have every advantage and no drawback
2. there is; exist
屋里~人吗? Is there anyone in the room?
这座位~人吗? Is this seat taken?
树上~两只小鸟。 There are two birds in the tree.
3. (used in making an estimate or a comparison)
水~三米多深。 The water is more than 3 metres deep.
这条鱼~四公斤重。 This fish weighs about four kilos.
他~你这么高。 He is as tall as you.
4. (used to indicate sth. appearing or occurring)
一~问题就去解决 deal with a problem as soon as it crops up
他~病了。 He is ill.
他~过肺病。 He has had TB before.
5. (used to express the idea of having plenty of)
~经验 be experienced
~本事 be capable
~了年纪 be getting on in years
他很~学问。 He is quite a scholar.
6. (used with the meaning of “certain” or “some”)
~一天我在街上碰见他了。 One day I ran into him in the street.
~些事还需要商量。 Certain things are still open to discussion.
7. (used after certain monosyllabic verbs, the combination functioning as a single word)
这家伙怀~不可告人的目的。 That fellow has an underhand scheme.
这种水果含~多种维生素。 This fruit contains vitamins.
(used before certain verbs in polite formulas)




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