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词汇 stand
stand/stænd/ (stood, stood)
1. 站立
They were standing about at street corners chatting. 他们站在街头拐角处闲聊。
The woman was too weak to stand. 那女人虚弱得站不起来。
Everyone stood up when the judge entered. 法官进来时大家都站立起来。
2. 占位置;被放置;直立
The house stood at the foot of the hill. 山脚下坐落着一幢房子。
The clock stands on the sideboard. 钟摆放在餐具柜上。
3. 做特定站立姿势
stand straight 站直
4. 处于(某种特定)状态
The house has stood empty for years. 那房子空了几年了。
The man stood convicted of murder. 那人被判谋杀罪。
He still stands my friend. 他还是我的朋友。
5. 坚持(特定)立场(或态度)
We stood opposed to his proposal. 我们反对他的意见。
6. 测定特定数值
The unemployment rate stood at 5% last year. 去年的失业率为5%。
The score stands at 3 to 2. 比分为3比2。
7. 滞留;沉积
The tears stood on the girl's face. 女孩的脸上挂着泪水。
8. 不用进行式 维持原状;保持有效
Most of the buildings were left standing after the earthquake. 地震发生后大部分建筑依然完好。
The contract still stands. 这个合约继续有效。
9. (机器等)停止;(暂时)停车
The car stood in front of the building for a week. 那辆汽车在楼前停了一个星期。
10. 竞选,做候选人
He stood unsuccessfully in the local elections. 他将竞选参议员。
1. 使站立;竖立
He stood the ladder against the wall. 他把梯子靠在墙上。
2. 容忍,忍受
I can't stand her. 我对她忍无可忍。
I can't stand being kept waiting. 让我等着,我可不干。
3. 经受;经得起
She's too weak to stand the cold weather. 她太虚弱了,受不了这么冷的天气。
4. 承担职责
It's his turn to stand duty. 轮到他值班了。
5. 请…客;付…的账
He stood me to a meal. 他请我吃了一顿饭。
6. 抵挡;抵御
This coat won't stand the strong wind. 这件大衣挡不住大风。
词组stand against
1. 靠着…站立
I stood against the wall. 我靠着墙站着。
2. 抵挡;反对
stand against the enemy 抵御敌人
They stood against my ideas. 他们反对我的意见。
stand alone
1. 独一无二,无与伦比
Tom stands alone among his classmates. 汤姆在班上同学中是出类拔萃的。
2. 孤立
On that question they three stood alone. 在那个问题上,他们三人是孤立的。
stand aside
1. 让开
Stand aside and let me pass. 让开,让我过去。
2. 不行动
How could you stand aside and see the man dying. 你怎么能无动于衷地看着那个人死去呢?
3. 退出竞选
He stood aside in favour of me. 他退出来把机会留给了我。
stand back
1. 靠后站
The policeman orderd them to stand back. 警察命令他们向后退。
2. 置身事外,不干预
You shouldn't stand back and just watch such injustice taking place. 你不应该袖手旁观看着这种不公平的事情发生。
stand behind 支持,拥护
They are standing solid behind us. 他们坚决支持我们。
All the participants stood fast behind the draft. 所有与会人员一致拥护这个草案。
stand beside 与…相提并论
This novel can't stand beside “Farewell to Arms”. 这部小说根本无法与《永别了武器》相提并论。
stand between
1. 位于…中间
The post office stands between the bus station and the school. 邮局在汽车站和学校之间。
2. 阻碍
He thought his colleage stood between himself and his future. 他认为他的同事阻碍了他去争取自己的前途。
stand by
1. 袖手旁观
How can you stand by and watch those thieves steal money? 你怎么能看着那些小偷偷钱而袖手旁观呢?
2. 支持;帮助
I stood by him whenever he had trouble. 每当他遇到困难我总是帮助他。
3. 坚持;遵守
stand by principles 坚持原则
stand by one's promise 遵守诺言
4. 做好准备;准备操作
The troops were standing by for orders. 部队正在待命。
stand by to fire 准备开火
stand down
1. 退出证人席
The witness was asked to stand down. 证人被要求退席。
2. 从职位上退下
The old professor was going to stand down in favour of a young man. 老教授决定让位给年轻人。
stand for
1. 代表;象征
What do the letters WTO stand for? 字母WTO代表什么?
The fox stands for cunning. 狐狸是狡猾的象征。
2. 担任候选人
stand for president 当总统候选人
3. 主张;支持
I always stand for his decision. 我总是很支持他的决定。
4. 容忍;忍受
The boss couldn't stand for any disobedience. 老板不允许任何人不服从他。
stand in
1. 替代;做替身
stand in for sb. 代替某人
He often stood in for movie stars in dangerous scenes. 他常常在危险场景里为大明星做替身。
2. 参加
I'd like to stand in this movement. 我想参加这次活动。
3. 使花费
This meal stood me in a lot of money. 这顿饭花了我不少钱。
stand off
1. 与人疏远,对人冷漠
The man always stands off. 那个人总是对人很冷漠。
2. 阻挡;避开
stand the enemy off 挡住敌人
stand off the problem 躲避问题 stand out
1. 引人注目
The white clouds stood out against the background of blue sky. 白云在蓝天的映衬下十分夺目。
2. 杰出,突出
He stood out among the students by his smartness. 在学生中他的才智最出色。
3. 坚决反对
We stood out against his plan. 我们坚决反对他的计划。
4. 经受住
The ship stood out the storm. 那艘船顶住了暴风雨的考验。
stand to
1. 坚持,支持
stand to one's principles 坚持原则
They stood to our claims. 他们支持我们的要求。
2. 遵守
stand to one's promise 信守诺言
3. 坚定地做…
stand to a struggle 坚定地进行斗争
stand trial (for) 见trial stand up
1. 起立,站立
We stood up when the principal came in. 校长进来时,我们起立。
2. 升起
Smoke is standing up to the sky. 烟升入天空。
3. 耐用;耐久
The bike has stood up for 20 years. 这辆自行车已经骑了20年。
The proof will stand up in the court. 这个证据在法庭上可以站得住脚。
Her work stood up under the boss's close examination. 她的工作经得起老板的仔细检查。
stand up and be counted 公开表明立场
It's time for you to stand up and be counted. 是公开表明你的立场的时候了。
stand up for 支持;维护
You should stand up for yourself. 你要坚持自己的意见。
The consumers must stand up for their rights. 消费者要维护自己的权利。
stand up to
1. 抵抗
stand up to a bully 勇敢地对付暴徒
2. 经得起;顶得住
His argument didn't stand up to scrutiny. 他的论点经不起仔细推敲。
stand up to the severe winters 顶得住严冬




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