- ♦ ~星期五 every Friday
- ♦ 节约~一分钱 save every penny
- ♦ ~四小时服一次 to be taken once every four hours
- ♦ ~两周开一次会 hold a meeting every other week
- 1. on each occasion; each time
- ♦ ~到上海, 我总要去逛一下城隍庙。 I invariably visit the Town God's Temple when I go to Shanghai.
- ♦ ~逢春节, 我都要去看老师。 I always go to see my teachers during the Spring Festival.
- 2. often
- ♦ 春秋佳日, ~作郊游。 We often go for an outing in the country on fine days in spring and autumn.