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fragmentary; fractional
这种纸都是一本一本的, 没有~的。 This kind of paper comes in pads; there are no individual sheets.
fragment; fraction
把~儿去了, 就要个整数儿。 Round off that fraction to a whole number.
1. (in expressions of time, age, money, weight, etc., used between two different denominations, even when these are consecutive if the excess is to be emphasized)
一年~三天 one year and three days
一岁~五个月 one year and five months old
五点~一分 5∶01 (five oh one)
2. (representing a final or a medial zero in serial numbers or in designations of years, in which each digit is spoken separately; now usu. replaced by ○)
二~五号 或 二○五号 No. 205 (number two-oh-five)
一九八~年 或 一九八○年 (the year) 1980 (nineteen eighty)
3. the number or figure ○; nought; zero; nil
我在这方面的知识几乎等于~。 My knowledge of the subject is practically nil.
上半场的比分是二比~。 The score at half-time was two-nil (or two-nothing).
~比~ no score; love all
4. the lowest point on a thermometer; zero
~上(下)五度 five degrees above (below) zero
摄氏~下十度 10 degrees below zero centigrade; minus 10 degrees centigrade




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