- 1. outcome; what actually happened
- ♦ 大家都想知道个~。 Everybody wants to know what actually happened.
- ♦ 不管什么事, 他总爱问个~。 He always likes to get to the heart of a matter, whatever it may be.
- 2. (used in questions to press for an exact answer) actually; exactly
- ♦ 明天的会~谁去参加? Who is actually going to the meeting tomorrow?
- ♦ 你们~要什么? What exactly do you want?
- 3. after all; anyway; finally
- ♦ 他~经验丰富, 让他负责这项工作最合适。 After all, he is very experienced, so it is only suitable to put him in charge of the job.