

1. throw oneself on or at; pounce on
孩子一下子~到他妈的怀里。 The child threw himself into his mother's arms.
老虎~向山羊。 The tiger sprang on the goat.
他一下~在对手身上。 He threw himself at his adversary.
2. rush at; attack
直~匪徒的巢穴 swoop down on the bandits' lair
~蝴蝶 catch butterflies
3. throw oneself into (work, etc.)
一心~在集体事业上 devote oneself heart and soul to the cause of the collective
4. flap; flutter
鸭子~着翅膀。 The duck flapped its wings.
5. dab (powder, etc.)
孩子浑身都~上了爽身粉。 The child was dabbed all over with talcum.
6. bend over
~在桌上看地图 bend over a map on the desk




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