

1. rely; depend
~以生存的条件 conditions on which persons or things rely (or depend) for existence
2. hang on in a place; drag out one's stay in a place; hold on to a place
~着不走 hang on and refuse to clear out
3. deny one's error or responsibility; go back on one's word
~是~不掉的。 It's no good trying to deny it. or You simply can't deny it.
4. blame sb. wrongly; put the blame on sb. else
自己错了还~别人, 这就不对了。 It's not right to blame others for one's own mistake.
5. blame
这事全~我。 I'm entirely to blame for that.
1. rascally; shameless
2. no good; poor
好的~的我都能吃。 I can eat anything, good or bad .




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