- 1.
预期;期望;期待 -
• I'm anticipating his call on me. 我期待他来看望我。 -
• I anticipated seeing him soon. 我期盼不久会见到他。 - 2.
预先准备;预先做 -
• I anticipated the rain by taking an umbrella. 我预料会下雨,所以带了雨伞。 -
• We should anticipate what the customers will need. 我们应该预先为顾客所需做准备。 - 3.
领先…;先于…之前行动 -
• The Chinese anticipated the European invention of gunpowder. 中国人早于欧洲人发明火药。 -
• anticipate enemy 先发制敌 - 4.
正式 预先考虑;预先用掉 -
• Don't anticipate your income. 不可预支收入。