

词汇 penalty
penaltypen•al•ty /'pen(ə)ltɪ/ ( [] peanlties)
n C
1. (因犯法而受到的)惩罚,处罚
He has paid the penalty for his crimes with ten years in prison. 他因犯罪而受到惩罚被判刑10年。
the death penalty 死刑
2. 罚款;罚金;违约金
The penalty for non-performance of contract is heavy. 不履行合同的罚款很重。
3. (体育比赛中对犯规的)处罚
If you pick up the ball with your hand in golf, you suffer a penalty. 打高尔夫球时用手捡球要被罚球。
4. (由某种行为造成的)不良后果;不利地位
He had to pay the penalty for the wrong decisions he made. 他作了错误的决定只好自食苦果。




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