释义 |
as conj- 1. 像…一样
- • She is as tall as you are. 她和你一样高。
- • She is actually not so calm as she looks. 实际上她的内心不如她的外表看起来那么平静。
- 2. 以…方式;如同…那样
- • Do as I say! 照我说的去做!
- • He has told the story just as it happened. 他已如实地讲了这一情况。
- 3. 当…的时候;在…期间
- • I met him as I was spending the summer holiday. 我在暑假里遇见了他。
- 4. 因为;由于
- • As he's been in trouble,perhaps he'll need my help. 他由于处境困难可能需要我的帮助。
- 5. 尽管;虽然
- • Try as I might, I couldn't persuade him. 我试过多次,却仍然说服不了他。
- • Young as he is, he already knows what career he wants to follow. 他虽然还年轻,但是对要从事的职业已胸有成竹。
- 6. 随着;正如
- • As time goes by, my hopes begin to wane. 随着时间的流逝,我的希望开始变得渺茫。
- • As a man lives, so he dies. 人有生就有死。
- 7. 为了,以便
- • I turned back so as to avoid seeing him. 为了避开他,我转过身去。
- • I got up early so as to catch the first bus. 我早早起床以便赶上早班车。
词组as against 与…比较 • As against last year, the profits increased by 60%. 和去年相比,利润增加了60%。 as for 至于 • As for you, you ought to be ashamed of yourself. 至于你,你应该感到惭愧。 as if(或as though) 好像;仿佛 • I behaved as if nothing had happened. 我装作若无其事的样子。 • I feel as if we've never parted. 我感到似乎我们从未分离过。 as it is 看样子 • We were hoping to have a holiday next month-as it is, we may not be able to get away. 我们原来盼望着下个月放假,可看样子走不了啦。 as it were 可以说 • He seemed very relaxed-in his natural setting as it were. 他似乎十分悠然自得,可以说是有自己随遇而安的天地。 as of 1. 自从…起 • The new regulation takes effect as of next month. 新规定从下月开始施行。 2. 直至 • Following is an analysis of the stock prices as of this week. 到本周为止的股市行情分析如下。 as to 1. 至于 • As to his ability I have no doubt. 对于他的能力我毫不怀疑。 2. 根据 • We stored the apples as to size and colour. 我们按照大小和颜色挑选苹果。 |