

词汇 put
put/pʊt/ (put, put; putting)
1. 置,放
Put it in your pocket 把它放进你的口袋。
2. 使处于某处,使处于某种位置
Put your signature here. 请在此签名。
3. 使进入某种状态
It put me in difficulty. 这把我难住了。
4. 施加,强加
put a tax on wine 征酒税
5. 移动;拨动
put the hands of the clock back 把时钟的针向后拨
6. 投掷;发射
put the shot 推铅球
7. 使渡过,使航行
put sb. across the river 渡某人过河
8. 提出
Who put the question? 这问题是谁提出的?
9. 表达,表述;翻译
put one's feelings in words 用言语表达感情
put an article into English 把一篇文章译成英文
10. 使从事
put one's mind to (或on) a problem 开始思考问题
11. 驱使,迫使,促使
put one's horse over a fence 纵马跳过篱笆
12. 估计
I put her age at 30. 我估计她30岁。
13. 投资;下赌注
put one's money in a company 把钱投资于一家公司
14. 推诿,赋予,给与
put the blame on others 把罪责推给别人
15. 为…配曲
put a poem to music 为一首诗谱曲
1. 出发;匆忙离开
put for home 出发回家
2. 航行
The ship put off to sea. 船出海航行。
3. 发芽
4. (江河等)流动
The river puts into a lake. 这条河流入一个湖。
词组put about
1. 非正式 散布(谣言等)
They've been putting rumours about. 他们一直在散布各种谣言。
2. 非正式 卖弄风情
3. 使(船)掉转航向
put across
1. 使被人接受,使被人理解
put an idea across to the public 使一个想法被公众接受
2. 表达,沟通
She doesn't know how to put herself across. 她不知道怎样把自己的意思表达清楚。
put aside
1. 储存…以备用
We have some money put aside for a holiday. 我们存了一些钱供度假用。
2. 把…撇开不理
put aside one's book 放下书
put away
1. 把…收好;储存…备用
Put the bowls away in the cupboard. 把碗放回柜子里。
2. 非正式 关进监狱
3. 非正式 吃掉;喝光
4. 宰杀(老弱动物)
put back
1. 把…放回原处
2. (船)返航
3. 将(钟或手表的)指针回拔
put back the clock 把时钟后拨
put down
1. 按下;镇压;放下
put down one's book 放下书
put down a riot 镇压暴乱
2. 批评;不赞成
She is often put down for the way she carries herself. 她常因自己的举止而受指摘。
3. 记录,写下,记下
Let me put down your telephone number. 让我把你的电话号码记下来。
4. 归于
put the accident down to inexperience 把事故归因于缺乏经验
5. 付(定金)
6. 宰杀(老弱牲畜)
7. 让(乘客)下车
8. (使)飞机着陆
put forth 生出,长出;产生
In spring the bush puts forth new leaves. 灌木在春天长出新叶。
put forward
1. 建议
put forward a suggestion 提出一项建议
2. 将(钟或手表的)指针拔快
3. 推举出,使突出
put sb. forward as a candidate 推举某人为候选人
put in
1. 提出(要求等)
put in a claim 提出要求
2. 花费(时间)
You have to put in a lot of time to learn English well. 要想学好英语,你得花大量时间。
3. 进港
Our ship put in at Dalian. 我们的船在大连进港。
put it across 欺诈,欺骗 put off
1. 延期
put off a meeting 会议推迟
2. 劝阻
3. 使人厌恶
4. 敷衍,搪塞
5. 离岸(或出航)
put on
1. 穿戴;抹上(化妆品)
2. 上演(戏剧等)
3. 使(电器设备或电灯等)起动
4. 将(钟或手表的)指针拔快
5. 装出(某种情绪)
put on an air of innocence 装出无辜的样子
6. 体重增加
put on weight 增加体重
put oneself in sb.'s place 设身处地 put out
1. 使困惑,使不安;使烦恼
She was so put out by his rudeness that she didn't know what to say. 她被那个人的鲁莽无理气得不知道说什么好。
2. 熄(火),关(灯)
She put out the light. 她熄了灯。
3. 使脱臼
She has put her shoulder out. 她的肩关节脱臼了。
4. 发表;播出;出版;发行
put out a statement 发表声明
put out a weekly newspaper 出版周报
5. 出航,离岸
We put out to sea at high tide. 我们乘涨潮时出海。
put over = put across put through 实行;完成
Production will start up again when these changes have been put through. 这些改动顺利完成以后,生产就将重新恢复。
put through an agreement
1. 执行协议
2. 电话接通
Your call has been put through. 你要的电话接通了。
put to
1. (船等)靠岸
We were obliged to put to on account of the wind. 我们的船为了避风不得不靠岸。
2. 关上
put to a window 关窗
3. 向…建议
I'd like to put a question to the speaker. 我想向演讲人提个问题。
put under 使昏迷 put up
1. 建造;搭起
Have you put up the tent? 你搭起帐篷了吗?
2. 提出;竖立,举起
Put up your hand if you have a question. 假如有问题请举手。
3. 增加,提高
put the price up 提高价格
4. 投宿,提供食宿
I'm afraid I can't put you up. 我恐怕不能给你们提供住宿。
5. 进行(抵抗、斗争等)
She put up a lot of resistance. 她进行了顽强的抵抗。
6. 表现出,显示出
put up a bluff 虚张声势
7. 参加竞选
She will put up for president. 她将参加总统竞选。
8. 提供(资金等)
We'll put up 10,000 dollars for the new project. 我们将为这个新项目投资10,000美元。
9. 上演(剧本)
put upon 欺骗,虐待
be put upon by sb. 上某人的当
put up with 容忍,忍耐
She has a lot to put up with. 她要忍受许多困难。

put, place, lay


The little boy put his toy back in the box. 小男孩把玩具放回箱子里。

A politician should place his loyalty to the people above party interests. 一个政治家应当把对于人民的忠诚置于党派利益之上。

He laid his trousers on the bed. 他把裤子平放在床上。





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