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词汇 night
1. C,U 夜,夜晚
We climbed the mountain by night to watch the sunrise at the top the next morning. 我们夜里爬山,准备第二天在山顶看日出。
They've worked all night long. 他们工作了一整夜。
a night train 夜班车
When did you go last night? 昨晚你什么时候走的?
The young couple decided to spend their honeymoon nights in a luxury hotel. 那对在度蜜月的年轻夫妇决定晚上住家豪华酒店。
a night bird 夜猫子
Are you going out at this time of night? 这么晚了你还要出去?
2. U (夜晚的)黑暗
He arrived home at night. 他天黑才到家。
Night fell when we arrived at the town. 我们到达小镇时天已经黑了。
词组have an early(a late) night 早(晚)睡 have a good(bad) night 睡得(不)好 last thing at night
1. 睡觉前的最后一件事
2. 最迟,最晚
make a night of it 痛快地玩个通宵 night after night 每夜,一连几夜 night and day 夜以继日 night by night 每夜,夜夜 night in, night out (连续地)一夜又一夜地




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