

词汇 slip
slip/slɪp/ (slipped, slipped; slipping)
1. (失去平衡而)跌倒,滑跤
The old man slipped down in the wet street. 老人在湿滑的街上摔了一跤。
2. 滑落;脱落
The cup slipped from his hands and smashed into pieces. 茶杯从他的手中滑落,摔得粉碎。
3. 溜走,悄悄地离开
He slipped out by the back door. 他从后门溜出去了。
4. 下降,下跌
His credibility has slipped. 他的信誉已经下降了。
The stock value continued to slip. 股价持续下跌。
5. 被忽略;被遗忘
His own promise would slip from his mind. 他会忘记自己的诺言。
6. 不知不觉地陷入(某种状态或习惯)
The baby slipped off to sleep. 孩子逐渐入睡。
He had slipped into the bad habit again. 他又陷入那种不良的习惯。
1. 使滑动;使滑行
The woman slipped a bracelet on her wrist. 那女人把手镯带在腕上。
2. 迅速放置;偷偷塞
He slipped a note into my hand. 他把一张纸条偷偷塞到我手中。
3. 从束缚中摆脱;躲避
The escaped prisoner tried to slip the police. 逃犯试图摆脱警察的追捕。
4. 使脱臼
slip one's shoulder 使肩膀脱臼




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