

词汇 grab
grab/ɡræb/ (grabbed, grabbed; grabbing)
1. (突然或猛然地)抓住
The thief grabbed the bag from her and dashed off. 那贼从她那儿一把抢过提包飞快地逃跑了。
grab the opportunity 抓住机会
2. 非正式 (因为繁忙)匆匆地(吃或睡)
I managed to grab an hour's sleep this afternoon. 今天下午我挤出时间睡了一个小时。
Let's grab a bite at McDonald. 我们去麦当劳吃点东西吧。
3. 抢占;霸占
grab the world market 占领世界市场
4. 抓获;逮住
grab the thief 逮住小偷
5. 吸引
How does the idea of a trip to China grab you? 去中国旅行你感兴趣吗?
vi (突然去)抓,抢
A passer-by grabbed at the boy but could not save him from falling. 一个过路人想抓住那男孩,但他还是跌倒了。
She grabs at every invitation that comes her way. 每个邀请她都不放过。
词组grab at a straw 捞救命稻草




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