释义 |
once/wʌns/ adv- 1. 一次,仅一次
- • She goes to the supermarket once a week. 她每周去一次超市。
- 2. 曾经,一度
- • The old man was once famous, but now nobody knows him. 这位老人曾经很有名,可现在没人知道他了。
- • I've met him once or twice before. 我见过他一两次。
词组all at once 1. 突然 • All at once she lost her temper. 她突然大发雷霆。 2. 同时,一起 • Don't talk all at once. One at a time, please. 大家不要同时发言,一个一个轮流讲。 at once 1. 立刻,马上 • She told him to leave the room at once. 她要他立即离开房间。 2. 同时 • I can't do two things at once. 我不能同时做两件事请。 once again(或more) 再一次 • It once again proves that no one can stem the tide of history. 这再一次地证明,历史的潮流是谁也阻挡不住的。 once and again 一而再,好几次 • Why did she do that experiment once and again? 为什么她再三地做那个试验? once (and) for all 一劳永逸地;最终地;彻底地 • I am going to settle this matter once for all. 我要彻底地解决这个问题。 Once bit(或bitten), twice shy 见bite once in a blue moon 非常稀罕 once in a while 偶尔 • Once in a while, he goes with us to the movies on Saturday night. 他偶尔在星期六的晚上同我们一道去看电影。 once too often (曾经多次逃脱)这次却未能幸免 • He exceeded the speed limit once too often and was fined $10. 他因超速次数太多而被罚款10美元。 once upon a time 见time1 |