

1. clean
~水 clean water
擦~ wipe sth. clean
这件褂子没洗~。 This jacket hasn't been properly washed.
2. (used after a verb) finished; with nothing left
钱都用~了。 The money is all used up.
把药喝~。 Drink your medicine up.
3. net
~收入 net income
~出口 net export
~进口 net import
make clean
~一~桌面儿。 Clean the top of the table.
1. all; all the time
~说不干 all talk, no action
他~说瞎话。 He lies all the time.
别~打岔。 Don't keep interrupting.
2. only; merely; nothing but
~吃肉不行。 It's not good to eat only meat.
他~说好听的。 He talks about nothing but pleasant things.




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