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1. rub; wear; 他的脚上
~出了泡。 His feet were blistered from the rubbing. / 没关系, 就~破了一点皮。 Nothing serious. Just a graze. / 袜子~破了。 The socks are worn into holes.
2. grind; polish
~剪子 grind scissors; sharpen scissors
~大理石 polish marble
~墨 rub an ink stick against an inkstone; make ink for writing with a brush
3. wear down; wear out
他被这场病~得不成样子。 The illness has worn him down to a mere shadow of his former self.
4. trouble; pester; worry
这孩子可真~人。 What a little torment that child is!
他不答应, 你就跟他~。 If he doesn't agree, just keep on at him until he does.
5. obliterate; die out
百世不~ will endure for centuries
6. dawdle; waste time
快走吧, 别再~时间了。 Stop dawdling and get going.
另见 mò
mill; millstones
电~ electric mill
1. grind; mill
~麦子 grind wheat
~面 mill flour
2. turn round
把大车~过来。 Turn the cart round.
我几次三番劝他, 他还是~不过来。 I had talked to him again and again, but he simply wouldn't come round.
另见 mó




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