- 1. front
- ♦ ~院 front courtyard
- ♦ 楼~ in front of the building
- ♦ 将军胸~戴着所有的勋章。 The general was wearing all his medals on his chest.
- 2. forward; ahead
- ♦ 朝~走 go straight ahead
- ♦ 往~看 look forward
- 3. ago; before
- ♦ 这个故事发生在五百年~。 The story took place 500 years ago.
- ♦ 晚饭~ before supper
- 4. first
- ♦ 这次比赛的~三名 the first three places in this competition
- ♦ ~五排 the first five rows
- 1. preceding
- ♦ ~一阶段 the preceding stage
- ♦ ~资本主义 precapitalism
- 2. former; formerly
- ♦ ~校长 former principal (of a school)
- 3. future
- ♦ 前程