

词汇 cry
cry/kraɪ/ (cried, cried; crying)
1. 哭出
cry tears 掉眼泪
cry one's heart out 哭得极为伤心
2. 大声恳求
cry forgiveness 大声请求宽恕
3. 叫卖;叫喊;大声地说
cry the news 叫喊报上的重要新闻
cry one's wares 叫卖货物
cry a warning 大声发出警告
1. 哭泣;流泪
She cries every time she sees the movie. 她每次看那部电影时都会哭。
2. 大喊,喊叫
She cried out in horror. 她惊慌地大叫。
cry out for help 喊救命
3. (鸟、动物等)鸣叫;吼叫;嚎叫
词组cry for
1. 因…而哭
He was crying for joy. 他高兴得哭了。
2. 哭着请求
He cried for mercy. 他哭着请求怜悯。
cry for the moon 见moon cry off 打退堂鼓
She had intended to come but she cried off in the end. 她本来打算要来,但最终还是打了退堂鼓。
cry out against 强烈抗议;谴责
They cried out against the decision of the court. 他们大声反对法庭的裁决。
cry out for 迫切需要
The garden is crying out for rain. 那个花园急需雨水。
cry over 对…感到悲伤
cry over one's misfortunes 为某人的不幸感到悲伤
cry over split milk 见milk cry up 称赞
cry up wine and sell vinegar 挂羊头,卖狗肉
cry wolf 见wolf

cry, sob, wail, weep, whimper

这几个词都表示“哭泣”。其区别在于:cry比较口语化,既可表示无声的“哭泣”,也可表示出声的“恸哭”;与介词for搭配时表示喜极而泣,与with, in,over搭配时表示因悲伤而哭泣,例如:

The little girl cried loudly.小女孩大声地哭。

She cries for joy.她高兴得留下眼泪。

The patient cried in pain.病人疼得大声哭。


sob oneself to sleep一直哭到入睡

The woman sobbed out the whole story of the accident.那女人哭诉着谈出了整个事故的经过。


The baby wailed with pain.那婴儿因痛苦而大声哭叫。

weep比较正式,表示“泣”,强调落泪;与介词for搭配时表示喜极而泣,与with, in,over搭配时表示因悲伤而哭泣,其用法与cry相同,例如:weep for joy欣喜而泣


The child whimpered for his mother.小孩子抽抽搭搭地哭着要妈妈。





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