

词汇 hair
1. U 头发
She is brushing her hair. 她在梳头发。
2. C (一根一根的)毛发
My mother has quite a few gray hairs. 我母亲已有了相当多的白发。
词组get in sb.'s hair 非正式 触怒某人,使烦恼
The baby's crying got in my hair during the night. 夜里婴儿的哭闹声使我烦恼不堪。
hang by a hair 千钧一发,情况危急 keep one's hair on 保持镇静,不激动,不发火 make sb.'s hair stand on end 使某人毛骨悚然 split hairs 作不必要的分析,吹毛求疵
There's no need to split hairs over the color of the material. 没必要对材料的颜色吹毛求疵。
tear one's hair (out) 极其气恼(或担忧等)
The boss tore his hair at the delay of the schedule. 老板因为进度的拖延而大为气恼。
to a hair 丝毫不差地,精确地




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