- 1. break; snap
- ♦ 扁担~了。 The shoulder pole broke.
- ♦ 他们太使劲, 把绳子拉~了。 They pulled the rope so hard that it snapped.
- 2. lose money in business 另见 zhēzhé
- 1. break; snap
- ♦ ~断一根树枝 break off a branch
- ♦ ~断腿 fracture (or break) one's leg
- 2. suffer the loss of; lose
- ♦ 损兵折将
- 3. bend; twist
- ♦ 曲折
- 4. turn back; change direction
- ♦ 边界由此~向西南。 From here the boundary turns southwestward.
- 5. be convinced; be filled with admiration
- ♦ 心~ be deeply convinced; be filled with heartfelt admiration
- 6. convert into; amount to
- ♦ 这笔外币~成人民币是多少? How much does this sum of foreign money amount to in Renminbi?
- 7. fold
- ♦ 把信~好 fold the letter
- ♦ 把纸对~起来 fold the sheet of paper in two
- 1. discount; rebate
- ♦ 打八~ give 20% discount; charge 80% of the original price
- 2. turning stroke (in Chinese characters)
- 3. booklet in accordion form with a slipcase, used for keeping accounts, etc.; folder
- ♦ 存折 另见 shézhē