

词汇 trick
n C
1. 计谋;欺诈;策略
get money by a trick 诈骗钱财
Her tears were just a trick to deceive others. 她的眼泪只是欺骗别人的诡计。
2. 恶作剧;捉弄
Our children used to play tricks on us. 我们的小孩以前常常捉弄我们。
3. 诀窍;招数
I haven't got the trick of driving this car yet. 我还不晓得开这部车的窍门。
Perseverance is the trick in becoming successful. 锲而不舍是成功的诀窍。
4. 妙技;把戏;魔术
card tricks 扑克牌魔术
My dog has learned some tricks. 我的狗学会了若干把戏。
5. 幻影;幻觉;错觉
a trick of the senses 错觉
tricks of the memory 模糊的记忆
6. (桥牌的)一圈;一墩牌
win a trick 赢一墩牌
7. 习惯;怪癖
He has the trick of scratching his head. 他有搔头的怪癖。
My car has developed a trick of stalling on steep hills. 我的汽车出了这么一个毛病,一上山坡就熄火。
词组a trick of the trade
1. 做生意的花招
2. 成功的诀窍
be up to (one's) tricks 非正式
1. 调皮捣蛋
The boy is up to his tricks the minute his teacher's back turns. 老师一转身,这小男孩就在背后调皮捣蛋。
2. 耍花招
He's up to his old tricks again - he'd been getting money from people by pretending to be blind. 他又耍弄惯用伎俩了——装瞎骗钱。
be up to sb.'s tricks 识破某人的把戏 do the trick 有效
I took two pills but even that wouldn't do the trick. 我吃了两片药,但尽管这样也还是不管用。
never (或not) miss a trick
1. 不失时机地利用
She never misses a trick when it comes to cutting costs. 她总是不失时机地利用任何一个能降低成本的有利条件
2. 无所不知




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