

词汇 spout
n C
1. 喷口;喷嘴
the spout of a kettle 水壶嘴
2. 水柱;水流
pour a spout of coffee 倒咖啡
a spout of water from a pipe 水管喷出的水柱
词组up the spout
1. 典当
Her necklace was up the spout. 她的项链给当掉了。
2. 上膛
A bullet has been up the spout. 一颗子弹已经上了膛。
3. 在子宫里
A baby is up the spout. 怀孕了。
4. 毁坏,完蛋
Our plan was completely up the spout. 我们的计划彻底完蛋了。
5. 错误的
Your answer is up the spout. 你的答案完全错了。
6. 处境极为困难
He's really up the spout. 他的处境真是困难极了。




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