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词汇 call
1. 喊,叫;大声说出;呼唤
call the names of all the students 宣读全体学生的名字
“Stop,”he called out. “站住,”他高声喊道。
2. 称呼;为…起名字
We'll call the baby Tom. 我们将给婴儿起名叫汤姆。
I preferred to be called by my middle name. 我喜欢人们称呼我的中名。
3. 认为…是;把…看成
Do you call Chinese an easy language? 你认为汉语是一门容易学的语言吗?
He called me stupid. 他说我是笨蛋。
4. 打电话给;发无线电
Please call my office at this number. 请拨这个号码给我办公室打电话。
I called him this morning but he was out. 我早晨打电话给他,但他出去了。
5. 召集,召开;招聘,征召
call a meeting 召集会议
He was called the presidency of our college. 他被聘任为我们学院的院长。
6. (神等)感召
God called him to the ministry. 上帝召唤他当了牧师。
7. 预先制定;正确地预测
call stock market turns 正确地预测股市的涨落变化
8. (纸牌中)叫(某一花色的)牌
9. 【体】 为(棒球赛)记分;裁定;(因天气变化)停止球赛
call the ball foul 判定那球犯规
call the football game because of the rain 因雨天宣布停止足球比赛
1. (人)喊叫,呼叫;(动物等)鸣,啼
He called for help. 他大声呼救。
The birds were calling. 鸟儿在鸣叫。
2. 要求
When the duty calls, you should obey. 你应该服从职责的召唤。
3. 打电话;(广播、通讯中的)呼叫
Who is calling please?( 接电话时常用语)请问您是谁?
The office called to find out where you were. 办公室打电话来,问你在哪里。
4. 访问;拜访
Your daughter has called to see you. 你的女儿来看过你。
5. (车、船等的)停靠;停泊
6. (纸牌中的)叫花色;吊牌
词组call about 为(某事)访问某人;为(某事)打电话给某人
She is calling about your insurance. 她是为你的保险一事来找你的。
call away 常用被动
1. (因公)叫走某人
The doctor was called away to an accident a few minutes ago. 几分钟前医生被叫去处理一桩事故去了。
2. 使转移(注意力),使分心
His attention was called away from his studies by the ring of the phone. 电话铃声转移了他学习的注意力。
call back
1. 叫…回来
She was about to leave when the boss called her back. 她正要离开,这时老板把她叫了回去。
2. 再打电话;回电话
She didn't call me back this afternoon. 今天下午他没有给我回电话。
3. 恢复,使复原
This medicine called his strength back. 这种药使他恢复了体力。
4. 收回;取消
I won't call back my promise. 我不会收回我的承诺。
call by 顺道去(某处)
I'll call by at the post office on the way to school. 在去学校的路上,我想顺便去趟邮局。
call down
1. 叫…下来
He called me down from upstairs to meet his friends. 他把我从楼上叫下来去见他的朋友们。
2. 批评,责骂
The boss called me down for being late for the meeting again. 老板责怪我开会又迟到了。
3. 【军】 命令(炮兵、飞机等)轰击
The general called down heavy bombing on the enemy position. 将军下令猛烈轰炸敌军阵地。
4. 祈求;招致
call down a blessing 祈福
call for
1. 来接,去接;来取,去取
He'll call for me at ten o'clock tonight. 今天晚上他10点来接我。
call for the parcel 取邮包
2. 要求
call for economy 提倡节约
3. 需要
This situation calls for immediate action. 形势所迫,要立刻行动。
4. 规定
The regulations of this plant call for three shifts. 工厂规章规定按三班制工作。
call forth 使产生;招致
His behaviour called forth sharp criticisms. 他的行为招致尖锐的批评。
call forward 要求(某人)站到前面来
The winners were called forward to come onto the stage to receive their prizes. 获胜者被叫到前台领奖。
call in
1. 叫…进来;召来
Please call the students in. 请把学生叫进来。
call in a doctor 请医生来
2. 要求付清
call in the debt 要求还清借款
3. 来(某处)访问
She called in at six. 她6点钟来访。
4. 命令收回;要求退回
The librarian has called in all the books. 图书管理员将全部书都收回了。
call off
1. 念(名单、清单等)
call off the names on the list 念名单上的名字
2. 取消;停止
call off the meeting 取消会议
3. 使注意力分散,使分心
The appearance of the new student called off his attention. 这个新生的出现分散了他的注意力。
call on(或upon)
1. (为社交或因公)正式访问(某人)
I'll call on(或upon) him tomorrow. 我明天要去拜访他。
2. 号召;邀请,要求
I call on(或upon) Mr. Smith, the first speaker on my list. 现在请名单上第一位发言者史密斯先生讲话。
call out
1. 大声喊叫;命令…行动
call out for help 大声呼救
The fire brigade was called out at eight o'clock last night. 消防队昨天晚上8点钟出动。
2. 引出,使起作用
Difficulties can call out your best qualities. 困难能使你表现出自己最优秀的品质。
3. 下令(工人)罢工
call over
1. 探访;看望
The president called over to see us yesterday. 校长昨天来看望我们。
2. 点名
call round 非正式 访问,探访
Do call round when you have time. 有空一定到我家来坐坐。
call together 召集在一起
He called his friends together. 他把所有的朋友都召集在一起。
call up
1. 【电信】 给(某人)打电话; 传呼
He called up a friend just for a chat. 他打电话给一个朋友,只是想聊聊天。
2. 使人回忆起
call up one's childhood 回忆起童年
3. 召集;征召…入伍
He was called up during the war. 在战争期间,他应征入伍。
4. 传讯

call, summon


I was summoned/called to testify in court.我应召出庭作证。二者区别在于:


He stood up when the teacher called his name.老师叫他时他站了起来。

I suddenly heard someone call me from the other side of the street.我突然听到街对面有人叫我。

I felt called upon to speak.我感到有必要发言。


Summon the soldiers immediately.立即把士兵们召集起来。

I summoned all my strength to face them.我使出全身力气去面对他们。





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