

词汇 lash
1. 将…捆在一起
lash the two bags together 把两个包捆在一起
2. (风、雨、波浪等)冲击,拍打
Water lashed the river banks. 水冲击着河岸。
3. (动物)摆动(尾巴等)
The tiger lashed its tail in the cage. 老虎在笼子里甩着尾巴。
4. 斥责,抨击
The politician was lashed for his scandal. 那个政客因丑闻而受到抨击。
5. (突然猛烈地)鞭打,抽打
lash the horse with a whip 用鞭子抽马
6. 煽动
The workers were lashed into fury by the speaker. 演讲者煽动起工人们的愤怒。
1. 猛击,狠打
lash back at the enemy 猛烈反击敌人
2. 冲击,拍打
The rain was lashing against the windows. 雨水敲打着窗户。
3. 摆动
The dog's tail was lashing. 狗在使劲摆动着尾巴。
4. 斥责,责骂
He lashed at the government for its new policy. 他抨击该政府的新政策。
5. 煽动,激起
词组lash out
1. 突然猛击
The donkey lashed out at him. 驴猛踢了他一下。
2. 斥责,抨击
He lashed out against the opposition party. 他猛烈攻击反对党。
3. 大手大脚地花钱
He always lashes out on his favorite CD. 他买自己喜欢的唱片总是舍得花钱。




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