释义 |
stick(stuck, stuck) vt- 1. 刺入,戳;刺穿
- • The nurse stuck him with a needle. 护士给他打针。
- • He stuck his fork into a piece of meat. 他把叉子插进一块肉里。
- 2. 刺入;在…上插
- • The general stuck pins in the map to mark enemy positions. 将军把大头针插在地图上标明敌人的位置。
- • It took me several hours to stick all the photos in the album. 我花了好几个小时才把所有的照片插进相册。
- 3. 钉住;粘贴,使固定
- • stick a nail on the wall 往墙上钉钉子
- • stick a stamp on the envelope 把邮票贴在信封上
- • stick a broken vase together 把打碎的花瓶粘起来
- 4. 伸出;塞进,伸入
- • The child stuck his head out of the window. 那孩子把头伸出窗外。
vi- 1. 被困住,卡住
- • A fishbone stuck in his throat. 一根鱼刺梗在他的喉咙里。
- • The drawer stuck and I couldn't open it. 抽屉卡住了,我打不开。
- 2. 扎入;被刺入
- • She had a cactus spine sticking in her finger. 一根仙人掌刺扎进她的手指。
- 3. 停留,留下
- • He stuck at home all day learning English. 他整天呆在家里学英语。
- 4. 长久存留
- • What sticks in my mind is his smile. 他的笑容使我无法忘记。
- • I used to call him “fish” and the nickname has stuck. 我过去一向叫他“鱼”,这个绰号就一直叫到现在。
- 5. 伸出;突出
- • Her arms stuck out of her sleeves. 她卷起袖子伸出手臂。
- 6. 坚持;遵守
- • He can stick through thick and thin. 在任何情况下他都能坚定不移。
词组stick around 在附近等着 • I have to stick around, for he is going out. 他要出去,所以我得留下。 stick at 1. 对…却步 • He's a man who will not stick at doing anything to get what he wanted. 他是个为了得到想要的东西不惜做任何事的人。 2. 坚持做完 • I believe that he will stick at it until he succeeds. 我相信他会坚持不懈直到成功。 stick by 1. 忠于 • She stuck by him in good times and bad. 无论在顺境还是逆境中她对他都没变心。 2. 拥护,维护 • stick by one's beliefs 坚持信仰 stick down 1. 写(记)下 • Please stick down your name on the paper. 请把您的名字写在纸上。 2. 粘贴,使固定 • I licked the flap of the envelope and stuck it down. 我舔了舔信封口把它封上。 stick fast 使不能前进 • The car stuck fast in the mud. 汽车陷入泥里动弹不得。 stick in 使拼命干 • You should stick in your lessons. 你应该努力学好功课。 stick it out 口 坚持下去,容忍 • Although he doesn't like this place, he could stick it out one year. 虽然他不喜欢这个地方,但是他还能坚持一年。 • We decided to stick it out to the end. 我们决定坚持到底。 stick on 坚持 • The union was sticking on the question of equal pay. 工会坚持要求解决工资平等问题。 stick out 1. 把…坚持到底 • I stuck the last two weeks out and then left. 我坚持完最后的两个星期,然后离开了。 2. 罢工 • They decided to stick out until they got their demands. 他们决定罢工,直到要求得到满足为止。 3. 坚持到底,坚持说 • The workers stuck out for higher wages. 工人们坚持要求提高工资。 4. 显眼,明显 • His house sticks out and you can't miss it. 他的房子很显眼,你不会看不到的。 stick to 1. 信守;忠于 • stick to one's promise 信守诺言 • He's a man who sticks to his friends. 他是个忠于朋友的人。 2. 不离题 • His speech stuck closely to the subject. 他的演说紧扣主题。 3. 紧随;遵循 • The little girl stuck to her mother. 小姑娘紧跟着妈妈。 4. 坚持做;坚守 • She sticks to practicing the piano everyday. 她坚持每天练习钢琴。 • He was sticking to his post. 他一直坚守岗位。 stick to it 坚持;不停地努力 stick up 1. 持枪抢劫 • They planned to stick up a bank. 他们计划抢银行。 2. 贴出,公布 • The examination result will be stuck up in July. 考试成绩将在七月公布。 stick up for 为…辩护,支持 • Quit sticking up for him! 别再为他辩护了! stick up to 抵抗 • stick up to a bully 抵抗暴徒 stick with 1. 萦绕;(想法等)固执 • The memories of happiness have stuck with me. 幸福的回忆至今犹在。 2. 紧随,不离开 • Stick with me and you won't get lost. 紧跟着我你就不会迷路了。 3. (把某事)坚持到底 • I gave him the courage to stick with his studies. 我鼓励他把学业坚持到底。 • stick with the fight against disease 继续与疾病作斗争 |