- 1. remember; bear in mind; commit to memory
- ♦ ~错了 remember wrongly
- ♦ ~不清 cannot recall exactly; remember only vaguely
- ♦ 牢牢地~在心上 keep firmly in mind
- 2. write (or jot, take) down; record
- ♦ ~在笔记本上 write it down in a notebook
- ♦ 把结果~下来 record the results
- ♦ ~下电话号码 jot down the telephone number
- 1. notes; record
- ♦ 大事记
- 2. mark; sign
- ♦ 暗~儿 secret mark
- 3. birthmark
- ♦ 他左腿有块~。 There is a birthmark on his left leg.
- ♦ 一~耳光 a slap in the face